Request an appointment

Select service
Level 4 visit - Moderate Complexity
30 minutes
Level 5 office or telehealth visit
45 minutes
Level 5 Complex Initial Psychiatric Evaluation with med management in office or telehealth
1 hour, 30 minutes
Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation with med management in office or telehealth
1 hour
Private Payer Simple Medication Check-up
15 minutes
Private Payer Moderate Level Med Check-up
30 minutes
Private Payer Complex Level Med Check-up
40 minutes
Private Payer Initial Evaluation Complex
1 hour, 30 minutes
Private Payer Initial Evaluation Moderate or Transfer of Care
1 hour
Private Payer Medication Management and Supportive Therapy
50 minutes
Level 4 - New or transfer patient visit with E/M services
45 minutes
Level 2 visit - brief psychiatric medication management consult
10 minutes
Client missed appointment
30 minutes